Copyright © Círculo Astrofísico de Puerto Rico UPRRP. All rights reserved.

Círculo Astrofísico de Puerto Rico UPRRP

Año Internacional de la Astronomía 2009

Archivo de Actividades en Puerto Rico

Main Activities

List of Activities

  1. TV Programme ““ABC Con Señas”” about accessibility was transmitted in channel 6 TUTV May 2008 and was dedicated to astronomy and IYA2009. This one-hour special programme has been shown several times in 2009.

  2. Workshop for Students (““Starry Messengers””): 10-14 July 2008 at Arecibo Observatory, 22 undergraduate level students.
  3. Open House at Arecibo Observatory ““Fundación Ángel Ramos Visitor Center”” 13 July 2008, ““Descubre tu Universo con los Mensajeros Siderales”” Outreach event with the student volunteers ““Starry Messengers””. 700 persons.
  4. IYA2009 Outreach Contest for Starry Messengers, Announcement of contest to select two Starry Messengers to represent the Puerto Rico Node (15 August). The contest consisted in organising an outreach activity at a school in which the Starry Messenger presented IYA2009 to students and teachers. 10 students participated. These students visited 13 schools and announced IYA2009 to 416 students and 23 teachers. The selection was announced on 19 October 2008. Two Starry Messengers (Ms. Lilian Reyes and Ms. Yorimar Vargas) and the SPoC travelled to Paris for the International Year of Astronomy 2009 Inauguration (15-16 January 2009). Funding for these students came from the ““Fundación Comunitaria de Puerto Rico”” a community foundation in Puerto Rico.
  5. IYA2009 Exhibit at ““Aéreo Feria 2008”” 11 October 2008 by ““Starry Messengers”” about 60 students and teachers participated in; this event.
  6. Announcement of IYA2009 at Arecibo Observatory. On 1 November 2008 one of the Starry Messengers served as tour guide at Arecibo Observatory and a presentation was given by the SPoC to the visitors about IYA2009 (53 persons).
  7. Inauguration Ceremony of IYA2009 in Puerto Rico, 31 January 2009. 300 persons attended.
  8. An article was published in ““Diálogo””, February 2009 (““Por qué es importante la Astronomía by the SPoC
    Dr. Carmen A. Pantoja and the IYA2009 Organiser Dr. Mayra E. Lebrón. ( The Front page was dedicated to IYA2009. The article was published also in the Dominican Republic. (Distribution of newspaper 25,000 copies).
  9. Open House of Astronomy Lab at the University of Puerto Rico for pre-school children and their teachers (a group of about 40 persons).
  10. Special Conference: ““Space Weather”” by Dr. Ramón López, University of Texas, Arlington, 11 March 2009 (51 persons).
  11. UPR Anniversary activity: ““Retorno Universitario”” (15 March 2009). The activities for the public of the Faculty of Natural Sciences were dedicated to IYA2009 ( The Starry Messengers participated of the events and interacted with the public. An exhibit presented by Ms. Gloria Isidro, Dr. Mayra E. Lebrón and Dr. Carmen Pantoja on ““Adapted Materials on Astronomy for the Blind or Visually Impaired””. (100 persons).
  12. Special Conference: ““La Inquisición Católica y Galileo”” by Dr. Antonio Martínez Montalvo from University of Texas, Austin (17 March 2009). 67 persons attended.
  13. Special Conference: ““Astronomy vs Astrology”” by Dr. José L. Alonso, University of Puerto Rico, Cayey Campus (18 March 2009). 80 persons attended.
  14. Special Conference: ““De Galileo a Einstein:Paradojas de la Luz”” by Dr. Antonio Martínez Montalvo from University of Texas, Austin (19 March 2009). 100 persons attended.
  15. Special one- hour broadcast on Radio WKAQ 580 AM Programme ““La Voz del Centro””. The title of this programme was ““El Año Internacional de la Astronomía”” and is preserved as podcast. 22 March 2009. (No estimate on number of persons impacted).
  16. Special Conference:””Galileo y el Universo”” by Dr. Mayra E. Lebrón Santos (University of Puerto Rico, Río Piedras Campus). 24 March 2009. (12 persons).
  17. Special Conference: ““Kepler and the IYA”” by Dr. Carmen Pantoja (University of Puerto Rico) (30 persons);
    ““100 Hours of Astronomy”” Celebration 2-5 April 2009. (5000 persons participated). University of Puerto
    Rico, Interamerican University, JPL, NASA Puerto Rico Space Grant Consortium, San Juan City, Ateneo
    Puertorriqueño, Arecibo Observatory.
  18. ““Library Week”” at the University of Puerto Rico, Río Piedras Campus 13-17 April 2009, Exhibit of FETTU
    images ““Life of Stars”” at the Natural Sciences Faculty Library (13-17 April 2009), Special Conference by Dr. Mayra Lebrón ““Lo que le pasó a Plutón”” at the Natural Sciences Faculty Library (14 April 2009), and Exhibit of Accessible Astronomy at the General Library of the UPR-RP (15 April 2009). (100 persons).
  19. Open House of the Arecibo Observatory Visitor Center, 18 April 2009. 700 persons attended (Prof. Dolores Balzac, UPR-Mayagüez, Sociedad de Astronomía del Caribe and Sociedad de Astronomía de Puerto Rico);
  20. Astronomy Day Celebration at ““Parque de las Ciencias Luis A. Ferré”” 2 May 2009. 200 persons impacted. (Sociedad de Astronomía de Puerto Rico).
  21. Special Presentation ““IYA2009 in Puerto Rico”” at the ““Science Education Conference Marking the Astronomy Year and the Darwin theory Bicentennial”” by Prof. Gloria Isidro at Israel (23 May 2009). (200 persons).
  22. Special Education Workshop at Hateed College in Israel by Prof. Gloria Isidro on Accessible Astronomy. (24 May 2009). (30 persons).
  23. Visit of Astronauts from STS-119 Joseph Acabá and Steve Swanson (1-5 June 2009). 3250 persons impacted.
  24. Teacher Workshop ““Celebrating Kepler in the IYA2009”” by Dr. Carmen A. Pantoja (100 persons) 10 June 2009, for teachers of science and mathematics.
  25. Picture of one section of the Moon submitted by Amateur Efraín Morales Rivera for the Special Project from the Republic of Malta ““The Moon for all Mankind””. (12 June 2009). (No estimate of persons impacted).
  26. Interview on local radio (WALO AM) Susan Soltero interviews Leonard Ellul Mercer from the Republic of Malta. (17 June 2009). (No estimate of persons impacted).
  27. Special Conference by Dr. Daniel Altschuler ““Extraterrestre y Vida Extraterrestre”” 17 June 2009 (30 persons). Sociedad de Astronomía de Puerto Rico.
  28. Special Star Party at the town of Maunabo (27 June 2009). (100 persons).
  29. Discussion Panel ““Llegamos en Paz para toda la Humanidad”” in celebration of the 40th anniversary of the
    Apollo 11 mission. (21 July 2009). (30 persons). Ateneo Puertorriqueño, Universidad de Puerto Rico.
  30. The Amateur Society ““Sociedad de Astronomía del Caribe”” visits the Dominican Republic (15-18 July
    2009) offers special conference, shares astronomy outreach materials and participates of observing night.
    (440 persons impacted).
  31. Special Presentation of Accessible Education Activity ““Jugando con Galileo”” at the Arecibo Observatory
    Visitor Center (30 July 2009). This Astronomy Bingo (Braille) was tested with a group of visitors at Arecibo
    Observatory (20 persons impacted).
  32. Special Conference of Accessible Education Activity ““Jugando con Galileo”” at the Arecibo Observatory
    Library (6 August 2009). This Astronomy Bingo (Braille) was tested with a group of visitors at Arecibo
    Observatory (15 persons impacted).
  33. Special Presentation of the Astronomy theme children’’s book ““Plutón se Casa”” by Laura Salvá at the radio
    programme ““Las Artes, la Cultura y tu”” on Radio Atenas 1500 AM. (No estimate of persons impacted).
  34. Exhibit of FETTU images ““Vida de las Estrellas”” at the Polytechnic University 17-22 August 2009. (No
    estimate of persons impacted).
  35. Special Conference by Dr. Mayra Lebrón ““Vida de las Estrellas”” 17 August 2009 Polytechnic University (30
  36. Exhibit for ““Día de Liderato Estudiantil: Accesa tu Máximo Potencial””. University of Puerto Rico, Río
    Piedras Campus. We presented information about the ““Starry Messengers”” and about IYA2009. 19
    August 2009 (no estimate of persons impacted).
  37. Special Article about IYA2009-Puerto Rico appears in ““La Información”” a newspaper of the Dominican
    Republic. 22 August 2009 (no estimate of persons impacted).
  38. Exhibit of FETTU images ““Vida de las Estrellas”” 24-28 August 2009 at TASIS school at Dorado with talk by
    Dr. Mayra Lebrón and Star Party on 26 August 2009 (200 persons).
  39. Special Exhibit of tactile and Braille astronomy materials at event of the American Federation for the Blind:
    ““Noche de Catársis en Braille””. (26 September 2009). (15 persons impacted).
  40. “Future Scientists”” Outreach event for high school and middle school students coordinated with the 41st
    Division of Planetary Science meeting (5 and 7 October 2009). (860 persons impacted). Arecibo
    Observatoy, AAS, University of Puerto Rico, Division of Planetary Science.
  41. Scientists from the Division of Planetary Science meeting visit schools in Puerto Rico (six scientists give
    nine talks at different locations of the island) . 1, 2, 5, 7, 9, 13 October 2009 (800 persons impacted).
  42. Special Concert ““The Planets”” by Gustav Holst by the Puerto Rico Symphony Orchestra with FETTU
    images display. 10 October 2009. (1000 persons).
  43. Teacher Workshop ““Celebrating Kepler in the IYA2009”” by Dr. Mayra Lebrón (60 persons) 11 October
    2009, for teacher of science and mathematics.
  44. Galilean Nights (22-24 October 2009). 150 persons.
  45. Special Conference at the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) Caribbean
    Division (24 October 2009). Dr. Antonio Lazcano, Dr. Daniel Altschuler and Dr. Mayra E. Lebrón (100
    persons impacted).
  46. Open House of the Astronomy Laboratory at the University of Puerto Rico, Río Piedras Campus ““IYA2009,
    Radio Astronomy and Space Weather”” by Dr. Carmen A. Pantoja (28 October 2009). (40 persons impacted).
  47. FETTU NASA Travelling exhibit at the Interamerican University, Bayamón (3-7 November 2009). (2000 persons impacted) Prof. Dorcas Torres.
  48. FETTU NASA Travelling exhibit at the University of Puerto Rico, Mayagüez Campus (10-13 November 2009) (1000 persons impacted) Prof. Dolores Balzac.
  49. FETTU NASA Travelling exhibit at the University of Puerto Rico, Río Piedras Campus (17-29 November 2009) (1000 persons impacted) Dr. Carmen Pantoja and Dr. Mayra Lebrón.
  50. FETTU Exhibit of the ““Life of Stars”” Catholic University of Ponce (no estimate of persons impacted).
    FETTU 5 Braille and Tactile panels on exhibit at school for the Blind, 23-24 October 2009. (100 persons
    impacted). Prof. Gloria Isidro and Dr. Carmen Pantoja.
  51. FETTU ““Life of Stars”” exhibit 30 November —— 4 December 2009 at University of Puerto Rico, Arecibo
    Campus (no estimate of persons impacted).
  52. Special Concert ““The Planets”” by Gustav Holst by the Puerto Rico Symphony Orchestra with Adler Video
    Suite at the University of Puerto Rico, Río Piedras Campus. 3 December 2009 (1000 persons).
  53. Open House for High School Students at the Natural Sciences Faculty of the University of Puerto Rico, Río
    Piedras Campus. Topic: The Moon and Science Careers. (9 December 2009). (50 persons). Prof. Gloria
    Isidro and Dr. Carmen Pantoja.
  54. FETTU Exhibit of ““Life of Stars”” at the University of Puerto Rico, Bayamón Campus (2000 persons) Dr.
    Javier Ávalos.
  55. Closing Event IYA2009 at the Interamerican University of Puerto Rico, Bayamón (~30 persons) Conferenceby Dr. Karín Ménendez-Delmestre, Carnegie Observatories.

Inauguration of IYA2009 in Puerto Rico

Puerto Rico initiated the celebration of IYA2009 on 31 January at the ““Ateneo Puertorriqueño””, one of the oldest cultural centres of the island. The Starry Messengers (volunteer students) welcomed the visitors. The visitors received a copy of ““Science, Technology, War and Peace”” by Dr. Daniel Altschuler (UPR). This book contains the UNESCO Chair for Peace Education Lecture 2007-2008 that was presented at the University of Puerto Rico in 2008. They also received a copy of the inaugural programme , a NASA lithograph, an IYA2009 sticker and a copy of the musical composition ““Seis a Galileo”” by Dr. Ramón López Aleman (UPR). The ““Seis”” is a traditional musical rhythm from Puerto Rico. The interpretation was by Daniel Vázquez and ““Los Cantores de Bayamón””. As the visitors entered the room, they could listen to this composition that celebrates Galileo.
The Master of Ceremony for the event was Dr. José L. Alonso from the UPR. The President of the ““Ateneo Puertorriqueño””, Eduardo Morales Coll, Esq., welcomed the visitors. The Dean of Academic Affairs from the UPR- Río Piedras, Dr. Sonia Balet addressed the public. The Honorable Bernardo Márquez García, President of the Education Commission, read a Resolution from the House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico that recognises the achievements of the professional astronomers, the amateurs and the Starry Messengers during IYA2009. Attending this inaugural event was Dr. Juan Martínez Rodríguez, Chancellor of the Interamerican University of Puerto Rico, the Director of the National Astronomy and Ionosphere Center (NAIC), Dr. Donald Campbell and the Director of Arecibo Observatory, Dr. Michael Nolan.
Dr. Carmen A. Pantoja and Dr. Mayra E. Lebrón Santos presented a summary of the core events for the IYA2009- Puerto Rico. Dr. Daniel Altschuler presented the conference ““The Galileo Affair””. An exhibit of 14 images from the ““From Earth to the Universe”” (FETTU) collection was displayed for the first time. Dr. Mayra E. Lebrón made a description of the images. These images will be available to schools of Puerto Rico. During the event the visitors with visual impairments could enjoy the collection by means of an adapted Braille guide of the exhibit. A children’’s book of astronomy ““Plutón se Casa”” (““Pluto gets Married””) by Laura Salvá (adapted in Braille by Gloria M. Isidro) was also presented.
The central activity of this event was a remote observing session with a telescope from the Campus Observatory of Texas A&M University. This activity was made in collaboration with Dr. Lucas Macri and Mr. Don Carona from the Department of Astrophysics at Texas A&M. Observations were made of nebulas, galaxies and globular clusters. The public enjoyed the excellent presentation by Dr. Lucas Macri, who immediately connected with the audience and was able to transmit what an astronomer does, what the process of astronomical observing involves, and astronomy in general. Dr. Lucas Macri answered diverse questions from the audience.
This was an opportunity for the interaction of professional astronomers, amateurs, professors, teachers, students, artists, musicians and the general public.

Estimated number of people who attended or were reached by this activity: 300.

100 Hours of Astronomy

  1. Preparation of the video for the event: ““Around the World in 80 Telescopes””: Students from the School of Communication at the University of Puerto Rico prepared the five-minute introductory video of Arecibo Observatory for this event under the supervision of Prof. Carlos Malavé (UPR).
  2. Astronomy Exhibit at the XI Biennial Conference 2009:””Access to Assistive Technology a Right for All””. Convention Center, San Juan 1-2 April 2009: This conference gathers a diverse audience including educators, counsellors, social workers, therapists, psychologists, lawyers, persons with physical disabilities, visually impaired or blind among others. This year some 600 persons assisted to the conference, 250 of these had some disability and 100 were blind. Ms. Gloria Isidro, a graduate student in Education at the University of Puerto Rico and Ms. Marlena Castro, UPR graduate in Education who is blind presented an exhibit on Astronomy for people with visual impediments in the Interactive Zone of this Conference. The exhibit was aligned with the topics covered during the 100 Hours of Astronomy event in Puerto Rico.
  3. Mars Exploration Rover Exhibit: Thousands of persons came to visit the ““Museo de San Juan”” between 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. on 2-5 April 2009. A full-scale model of the Mars Exploration Rover (MER) was displayed at the ““Museo de San Juan”” in Puerto Rico during the 100 Hours of Astronomy. The public had the opportunity to have a close view of this fascinating robotic explorer and learn about the discoveries made by the rovers which at present are on the surface of Mars (Spirit and Opportunity). One of the highlights was the direct contact between the public and the team of experts present on site each day ready to inform and answer questions. The rover was displayed in the interior patio of the Museum of San Juan and the event was packed with exciting astronomy activities including several hands-on activities for children.
  4. Observations with Optical Telescopes from ““Castillo San Felipe del Morro”” in Puerto Rico: The two groups of amateur astronomers of Puerto Rico: Sociedad de Astronomía de Puerto Rico (SAPR) and Sociedad de Astronomía del Caribe (SAC) set up their telescopes at the grounds of ““Castillo San Felipe del Morro”” fort. This area, overlooking the San Juan bay, is a UNESCO World Heritage Site in San Juan, Puerto Rico. The fort dates back to 1539. The public was mostly integrated by families: children, parents, and grandparents and other relatives. Many students participated and many clubs such as boy and girl scouts.
  5. 100 Hours of Astronomy at Vieques: 100 Hours of Astronomy was celebrated at the island-municipality of Vieques. Vieques is located towards the east of the island of Puerto Rico. The exhibit ““Vida de las Estrellas”” a collection of images from the From Earth to the Universe Cornerstone project (FETTU) was displayed at the Museum ““Fortín Conde de Mirasol”” in the town of Isabel II. Several public talks were presented organised by the ““Proyecto Observatorio de Vieques””.

Organisers: IYA2009 Organizing Committee.


“Life of Stars”” (Exhibit of FETTU images)

The collection ““Life of Stars”” was a selection of 14 images from the ““From Earth to the Universe”” Cornerstone project of IYA2009. Each image was printed in Vinyl (3x4 ft) and displayed without a frame. A set of seven images was available on loan (free of charge) for schools or other community organisations. Information and suggestions for activities were available through our web page.
During 2009 the ““Life of Stars”” exhibit has been presented at 12 locations with more than 2000 persons impacted:

  1. IYA2009 Inaugural event in Puerto Rico, Ateneo Puertorriqueño, San Juan (31 January 2009).
  2. University of Puerto Rico Anniversary (Retorno Universitario), Natural Sciences Faculty, San Juan (15 March 2009) Fortín Conde de Mirasol, Isabel II, Vieques (2-7 April 2009).
  3. Néstor M. Rodríguez Rivera Library (13-17 April 2009) and José M. Lázaro Library (14 April 2009), University of Puerto Rico, San Juan;​Piaget Bilingual Academy, Manatí (15 May 2009).
  4. Polytechnic University, San Juan (17-22 August 2009).
  5. TASIS, (K-12 school) Dorado (24-28 August).
  6. University of Puerto Rico, Rafael Mangual Coliseum, Mayagüez (10 October 2009).
  7. Catholic University: Pontificia Universidad Católica, Ponce (9-20 November 2009).
  8. University of Puerto Rico, Arecibo Campus (30 November 2009).
  9. University of Puerto Rico, Bayamón Campus (7-11 December 2009).
  10. University of Puerto Rico, Carolina Campus (25-29 January 2010).

Organisers: IYA2009 Organizing Committee.
Estimated number of people who attended or were reached by this activity: 2850.

Students Participate in the Division of Planetary Sciences 41st Annual Conference

A large scale public outreach event was coordinated by the IYA2009-Puerto Rico node and the Division of Planetary Sciences (DPS) meeting organisers on 5 and 7 October. More than 860 students and teachers from 27 schools (high school and middle school levels) participated of the event denominated ““Future Scientists””. A guided tour exposed students to a professional conference and the way in which scientists communicate their discoveries and research. They received the latest information regarding the exciting LCROSS mission.
The Moon impact was scheduled for 9 October 2009. The tour was guided by Prof. Dolores Balzac (UPR), Dr. Carmen Pantoja (UPR), and Dr. Mayra Lebrón (UPR) and included a visit to the poster section, the exhibit area at the conference, and an orientation about science careers. During the visit to the exhibit area the students had the opportunity to interact with EPO representatives of NASA AMMOS, NASA Planetary JPL, NASA Exoplanet Science Institute, James Webb Space Telescope, NASA Planetary Science Division, Space Science Institute, Spitzer Science Center, STScI, The Boeing Company, USRA/SOFIA, Arecibo Observatory and IYA2009-PR. The school students received diverse educational materials (a special lithograph of ““Scientists”” with information about careers in science, and other information). Students had the opportunity to talk to scientists and outreach specialists about astronomy, research, and science careers. The organisers are grateful of the scientists that were attending the DPS conference that offered astronomy talks to the students: Dr. Pedro Valdés-Sada (Universidad de Monterrey, México), Dr. Karen Meech (University of Hawaii), Dr. Amy Lovell (Agnes Scott College), Dr. Orlando Figueroa (NASA/Goddard), Prof. Abel Méndez (UPR), Dr. Silvia Giuliatti Winter (UNESP, Brazil) and also to all scientists that interacted with the students at the poster area. The students were able to ask questions about different topics in astronomy and about science careers.
Members of the amateur astronomy society ““Sociedad de Astronomía del Caribe”” (Eddie Irrizary, Agustín Rivera (Sr.), and Agustín J. Rivera) worked as volunteers during this event. The students enjoyed a meteorite display by amateur collector Raymond Borges (Universidad del Turabo, student volunteer) and talked with Dr. Peter Jenniskens (SETI Institute) about asteroid 2008 TC3.
In addition to these two days at the Conference with the support of the O.P. and W.E. Edwards Foundation and Arecibo Observatory (NAIC) public talks were coordinated at different schools:
Dr. Orlando Figueroa (NASA/Goddard) gave talks at:
1) University of Puerto Rico, Mayagüez Campus;
2) Escuela Superior Inés María Mendoza, Cabo Rojo; 3) Universidad Politécnica.
Prof. Alberto Quijano-Vodniza (Nariño Observatory, Colombia) gave a talk at:
1) Escuela Especializada en Ciencias, Matemáticas y Tecnología, Caguas.
Dr. Cristina Thomas (MIT) and Prof. Francesca DeMeo (Paris Observatory) gave talks at:
1) Escuela Elemental Adalberto Sánchez, Arroyo;
2) Escuela Superior Urbana, Patillas;
Dr. Stephen Squyres (Cornell University) gave a talk at:
1) Universidad Interamericana Recinto Metro, San Juan.
Dr. David Rabinowitz (Yale University) gave talks at:
1) Escuela Germán Rieckehoff, Vieques;
2) Escuela 20 de septiembre de 1988, Vieques;
Organisers: IYA2009 Organising Committee.
Estimated number of people who attended or were reached by this activity: 1860.

Astronomy Concert

The Puerto Rico Symphony Orchestra under the direction of Roselín Pabón perfomed the concert ““The Planets”” at the Rafael Mangual Coliseum (University of Puerto Rico, Mayagüez campus, 10 October 2009. The event was free of charge. Each movement was accompanied by the presentation of images of the planets which the public could view on two screens set above the musicians. The selected images included images from the ““From Earth to the Universe”” (FETTU) Cornerstone project and images from diverse NASA missions. The superb performance of the orchestra, the illumination and the selected images conveyed the emotions of each movement and transported the audience into outer space. The orchestra was located at one extreme of the coliseum and the public was seated at the opposite side, facing the musicians.
The public arrived early and enjoyed the collection of images ““Life of Stars”” from the FETTU project. The images were displayed at the entrance of the coliseum. This was a family event, with children and adults of all ages enjoying the programme . Members of the ““Sociedad de Astronomía del Caribe”” (amateur astronomy association) and members of the ““Starry Messengers”” (college level student volunteers for IYA2009-Puerto Rico) greeted the public as they arrived and distributed the programme for the concert and a commemorative lithograph of the planets. The lithographs were prepared with images from the FETTU collection and with information about the planets and a mathematical challenge denominated ““Galileo’’s Challenge””.
Among the invited guests was Dr. Orlando Figueroa past Director of the Mars Exploration Mission (NASA) and who is currently the Director of Applied Engineering and Technology at NASA Goddard.
This event was organised by the IYA2009-Puerto Rico node, the Puerto Rico Space Grant consortium and the University of Puerto Rico, Mayagüez campus.

On 3 December 2009 the Puerto Rico Symphony Orchestra directed by Roselín Pabón performed the concert ““The Planets”” at the University of Puerto Rico, Río Piedras Campus. This presentation was accompanied of the Video Suite ““The Planets”” from Adler Planetarium that was created by Dr. J. Salgado (IYA2009 Special project).
Organisers: IYA2009 Organizing Committee.

Estimated number of people who attended or were reached by this activity: 2000.

““We came in Peace For All Mankind””: a Discussion Panel to Celebrate the 40 Anniversary of the Apollo 11 Mission

Puerto Rico celebrated the 40 anniversary of the Apollo 11 mission with a discussion panel held at the ““Ateneo Puertorriqueño”” in San Juan on 21 July 2009. The panellists included experts in science, journalism, religion and social sciences. The group included: Alex W. Maldonado —— well-known journalist in Puerto Rico. Member of the ““Inter American Press Association””, the ““American Society of Newspaper Editors”” and the ““American Newspaper Publishers Association””, Margarita Mergal (UPR-RP) —— Social Sciences Professor at the University of Puerto Rico. She was director of the Social Sciences Department at the General Studies Faculty. She worked at the Hispanic Institute of the Library of Congress and was editor in the Publications Programme at the Organization of American States. She has done research and published various articles on feminism in Puerto Rico. She is currently a professor at the Communications School at the University of Puerto Rico, Juan José Santiago —— Jesuit Priest and a much solicited speaker on topics regarding the dialogue between different religions and cultures. Professor of Theology in the International Theological Institute of Puerto Rico. He has been a member of different consulting boards, such as the Puerto Rico Symphony Orchestra and the Ana G. Méndez Foundation, and Daniel Altschuler (UPR-RP) -Radio Astronomer and Professor at the Department of Physics at the University of Puerto Rico. He directed the Arecibo Observatory for 12 years and contributed to the construction of the ““Fundación Ángel Ramos”” visitor center. He is the author of numerous books and articles related to the public understanding of science. The moderator was Juan González Lagoa (UPR-Mayagüez) —— Marine Biologist. He is the Associate Director of the Resource Center for Science and Engineering at the University of Puerto Rico, Mayagüez campus. Very active in outreach and education, he has been mentor of many students at all levels from PhD. to school children. He is well known in the island, and is an example of excellence and commitment to education in the community. The activity was initiated with a short film about the Apollo 11 mission. The panellists presented their thoughts in 10 minute presentations which generated a lively discussion with the public. The discussion focused on the significance of the Apollo mission in Puerto Rico and the world in 1969 and its significance today.

It was suggested by the public that the presentations made by the panellists be preserved in some format. The panellists and the IYA2009-PR organising committee agreed to prepare a printed version of the talks. After the event the public and panellists enjoyed an exhibition of materials related to space exploration. The image of ““The Moon for All Mankind”” prepared by the IYA2009-Malta node was also on display. Among the public was Efraín Morales Rivera, the amateur astronomer who provided the contribution from Puerto Rico to the IYA2009-Malta project. The collector Raymond Borges displayed his collection of meteorites.
Organisers: IYA2009 Organizing Committee.
Estimated number of people who attended or were reached by this activity: 30.

Visit of Astronauts Joseph Acaba and Steve Swanson (STS-119)

During the week of 1-5 June 2009 the astronauts Joseph Acaba and Steve Swanson visited Puerto Rico and made presentations to thousands of persons at different locations of the island. Governor Luis Fortuño welcomed the astronauts at a ceremony at ““The Fortaleza””, the official residence of the governor of Puerto Rico. The astronauts received Resolutions from the Senate and the House of Representatives recognising their achievements in space. The astronauts took part of a reception at the State Department at which they interacted with students, professors, Puerto Rico Space Grant Consortium affiliates, members of the IYA2009-PR organising committee, government representatives and others. The astronauts visited the University of Puerto Rico at Río Piedras, the ““Parque de las Ciencias”” at Bayamón, the Polytechnic University, the Central Park of San Juan, they participated of the commencement act of the ““Universidad del Este”” and they visted the Arecibo Observatory ““Fundación Ángel Ramos”” visitor centre. They gave presentations, gave advise to the students and answered questions from the general public and the press. They signed autographs and took pictures with hundreds of persons in particular children.
Organisers: Puerto Rico State Department, Puerto Rico Space Grant Consortium, IYA2009 Organising Committee. Estimated number of people who attended or were reached by this activity: 3250.

“IYA2009-PR Conference Series””

During 2009 there was a cycle of conferences that took place at different locations of the island presented by scientists and other professionals:

  1. Dr. Antonio Lazcano —— Universidad Autónoma de México. AAAS Caribbean Division Meeting: ““Astronomy and the Origin of Life: Celebrating IYA2009 and 150 Anniversary of the ““Origin of Species”” by Charles Darwin””, San Juan, 24 October 2009.
  2. Dr. Orlando Figueroa —— NASA Goddard Space Flight Center. Talks at: UPR-Mayagüez Campus, 2 October 2009, High School: Escuela Superior Inés María Mendoza, Cabo Rojo, October 2, 2009, Polytechnic University, San Juan, 3 de octubre del 2009.
  3. Dr. Daniel R. Altschuler —— UPR-Río Piedras. Talks: ““Extraterrestres””, ““El Caso Galileo””.
  4. Dra. Mayra E. Lebrón —— UPR-Río Piedras. Talks:””Galileo y el AIA2009-Puerto Rico””, ““Lo que le pasó a Plutón””, ““Taller sobre las Leyes de Kepler””.
  5. Dr. José L. Alonso —— UPR-Cayey Campus. Talk:””Astronomía vs Astrología””.
  6. Prof. Mario Lanza Amaro —— UPR-Río Piedras. Talk:””Large Hadron Collider (LHC) y el Supuesto Fin del Mundo””.
  7. Dr. Ramon López Alemán —— UPR-Río Piedras. Talks:””Huecos Negros y Ondas Gravitacionales””,””La Vida el Universo y el Final del Tiempo:Implicaciones de un Universo en Expansión Acelerada””.
  8. Dra. Carmen A. Pantoja —— UPR-Río Piedras. Talks:””El Sol, la Estrella más Cercana””,””Materiales Adaptados de Astronomía para Estudiantes con Impedimento Visual””, ““Kepler y el AIA2009””, "El 2010 y el Futuro".
  9. Dr. L. Nowakowski —— UPR-Mayagüez. Talk:””Radiopulsars””.
  10. Dr. E. Figueroa —— MIT. Talk:””Materia Oscura””.
  11. Dr. J. Friedman —— UPR-Mayagüez. Talk:””Galaxias””.
  12. Dr. L. Quiñones —— UPR-Mayagüez. Talk:””El Regreso a la Luna””.
  13. Ing. E. Irizarry —— Sociedad de Astronomía del Caribe. Talk:””Exoplanetas””.
  14. Dr. J. Rosado —— UPR-Mayagüez. Talk:””Space Weather””.
  15. Dr. Rafael J. Muller —— UPR-Humacao. Talk:””La Tierra y la Luna””.
  16. Dr. Juan G. González Lagoa —— UPR-Mayagüez. Talk:””Observación Solar””.
  17. Dra. L. Chizmadia —— UPR-Mayagüez Campus. Talk:””Meteoritos””.
  18. Dr. Abel Méndez —— UPR-Arecibo. Talk:””Habitabilidad Planetaria””.
  19. Dr. Ramón López- University of Texas, Arlington. Talk:””Clima Espacial””.
  20. Dr. Alberto Martínez Montalvo —— Univ. of Texas, Austin. Talks:””La Inquisición Católica y Galileo””, ““De Galileo a Einstein:Paradojas de la Luz””.
  21. Prof. Harry Nieves —— UPR-Ponce. Talk:””Galileo: La Inducción Ingénua y el Método Científico".
  22. Sr. Alex W. Maldonado —— Journalist. Talk:””El Espacio, la Prensa y un Toque de Filosofía””.
  23. Padre Juan José Santiago —— Jesuit Priest. Talk:””40 años de Alunizaje””.
  24. Dra. Margarita Mergal —— UPR-Río Piedras. Talk: ““Un Penúltimo Parteaguas””.
  25. Dr. Abraham Ruiz —— UPR-Humacao. Talk:””Meteoritos en Puerto Rico””.
  26. Sr. Víctor Román —— Sociedad de Astronomía de Puerto Rico. Talk:””Constelaciones””.
  27. Sr. Armando Caussade —— Sociedad de Astronomía de Puerto Rico. Talk:””Saturno””.
  28. Dra. Cristina Thomas —— MIT. Talk: ““Descubriendo el Sistema Solar con observaciones telescópicas y misiones espaciales””.
  29. Ms. Francesca DeMeo —— M.Sc.MIT. Talk: ““Descubriendo el Sistema Solar con observaciones telescópicas y misiones espaciales””(this was a joint talk with Cristina Thomas).
  30. Dr. David Rabinowitz —— Yale University. Talk: ““Planetas Pequeños”".
  31. Sr. Alberto Quijano Vodniza —— Observatorio de Nariño, Colombia. Talk: ““Las Maravillas del Universo desde el Observatorio Colombiano en Nariño””.

Organisers: Various in collaboration with IYA2009 Organising Committee.

Estimated number of people who attended or were reached by this activity: 1200.

NASA FETTU Travelling Exhibit

The NASA FETTU travelling exhibit was on loan to Puerto Rico during the month of November 2009. The exhibit was displayed at three different locations of the island and the five Braille panels were also displayed at the school for blind children: ““Instituto Loaiza Cordero para Niños Ciegos””.
The first exhibition took place at the Interamerican University at Bayamón, Puerto Rico (3-7 November 2009). The event was organised by Prof. Dorcas Torres. The student volunteers helped with the events, serving as guides to the exhibit, distributing materials and were also guides at the demonstration tables. Several physics demonstrations were presented with the concepts of waves and light. Special conferences (3) on astronomy were organised. One activity was to draw your favourite image. The public included students from the university, university employees, general visitors, students from local schools, teachers and senior groups (more than 1000 persons).
The Travelling FETTU exhibit was displayed at Mayagüez, Puerto Rico (10 and 12-14 November, Eugene Francis Hall of the University of Puerto Rico, Mayagüez Campus). Some 700 persons visited the exhibit including teachers, students, Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, college students and professors. The visitors were offered guided tours of the exhibits by Dr. Juan González Lagoa, Prof. Dolores Balzac, Prof. Sandra Troche, and volunteer students from the Society of Physics students and the amateur society ““Sociedad de Astronomia del Caribe””. Students from the programme ““Science on Wheels”” presented science demonstrations and a special exhibit from the Seismic Network of Puerto Rico was presented by their outreach staff. 60 Teachers from the Educators Resource Center also visited the FETTU exhibit.
The final display of the FETTU images took place at Río Piedras, Puerto Rico (17-27 November 2009) at the Faculty of Natural Sciences of the University of Puerto Rico, Río Piedras Campus. More than 1000 persons visited the exhibit (students, professors, university employees, school children, and families). Visiting schools were offered guided tours of the exhibit. A ““Family Day”” took place on Sunday 22 November with guided tours, activities for the children (astronomy puzzles, How to Build a Solar Clock). For the family there was an educational Bingo denominated ““A Jugar con Galileo”” (““Let’’s Play with Galileo””) and the presentation of the NASA/ESA/ASI movie ““Ring World 2”” about the Cassini-Huygens mission to Saturn and its moons. On 23-24 November the Tactile and Braille Panels were displayed at the library of the School for Blind Children: ““Instituto Loaiza Cordero para Niños Ciegos””. On 24 November, Ms. Gloria Isidro made a presentation about IYA2009 and adapted astronomy materials for students and teachers of the school.
Organisers: Prof. Dorcas Torres (Interamerican University), Prof. Dolores Balzac (UPR-Mayagüez), Dr. Mayra Lebrón (UPR-Río Piedras), Prof. Gloria Isidro (UPR-Río Piedras) and Dr. Carmen Pantoja (UPR-Río Piedras).​Estimated number of people who attended or were reached by this activity: 3000.

Making IYA2009 Accessible for Blind or Visually Impaired Persons

We developed a programme directed at undergraduate students, that prepared them to work as volunteers and gave them experience in outreach and how to communicate astronomy to the visually impaired. We included 22 college level students with diverse backgrounds and interests (two blind participants, We organised many events and materials described at our Blog (
Some of these activities were:

  1. Recorded 1 hour TV programme about astronomy and IYA2009 in the show ““ABC en Señas”” (May 2008) on channel 6 (WIPR TV). This is a public service TV programme dedicated to the hearing impaired community. It presents interesting topics for this community and offers lessons in sign language. The show has been retransmitted several times in 2009.
  2. Outreach events at the ““Fundación Ángel Ramos”” Visitor Center at the Arecibo Observatory Radio Telescope (more than 700 persons). Displays of Braille and tactile materials about astronomy, a tactile version of the Arecibo Observatory ( and a Braille Astronomy Bingo ( galileo.html).
  3. IYA2009 Inauguration (January 2009). This event took place at the ““Ateneo Puertorriqueño””, the oldest cultural centre of the island (300 persons attended). We included a display of a small collection of the FETTU cornerstone project (14 images about the life of stars, denominated FETTU ““Life of Stars””) and displayed the Braille and tactile versions we developed for these images (
  4. FETTU ““Life of Stars”” collection was borrowed by different schools (estimate of 2850 persons impacted). We had a guide for the schools on our website which included audio versions of the Crab and Vela pulsars for the visually impaired (
  5. ““100 Hours of Astronomy”” we participated with a special display for persons with special needs ( Puerto Rico received a special award of ““Most Registered Events”” for the ““100 Hours of Astronomy”” Cornerstone project. (Estimate 600 persons).
  6. The NASA FETTU travelling exhibit (50 images and five tactile and Braille panels) was displayed at three locations during the month of November (3000 persons visited the exhibit) and the five Braille panels were exhibited at the school for the Blind ““Instituto Loaiza Cordero para Niños Ciegos”” .
  7. ““Kepler’’s Laws”” Teachers Workshop (130 teachers participated) which included a section how to make astronomy and maths accessible.
  8. We interacted and shared experiences with other countries: Israel ( ae672phnac), Colombia ( and Spain ( contemplar-las-estrellas.html).

Organisers: Dr. Carmen Pantoja, Dr. Mayra Lebrón and Prof. Gloria Isidro (University of Puerto Rico).

Estimated number of people who attended or were reached by this activity: 3000. 

Star Parties at different locations of Puerto Rico

Star Parties at different locations of Puerto Rico were held each month during 2009 organised by the two major groups of amateurs: the ““Sociedad de Astronomía del Caribe”” and the ““Sociedad de Astronomía de Puerto Rico””:
January 24: Sociedad de Astronomía del Caribe (SAC) at Cabo Rojo, Sociedad de Astronomía de Puerto Rico (SAPR) at Corozal and SAPR at Ponce
January 31: Remote Observing Activity with the Observatory at Texas A&M, Ateneo Puertorriqueño
February 14 SAPR at Corozal
February 17: Open House at Planetarium and Observations UPR-Mayagüez
February 21: SAPR at Arecibo, SAC at Cabo Rojo
February 28: SAPR at Ponce
February 28: Observations —— UPR-Mayagüez and SAC, La Parguera
March 10: Open House at Planetarium and Observations UPR-Mayagüez
March 16: Talk and Observations at School (Escuela Ramón Pérez Purcell), SAPR-Joaquín Pérez
March 20 —— Talk and Observations. SAPR, Colegio Ponceño
March 21 —— SAC at Cabo Rojo, SAPR at Ponce
March 28 —— SAPR at Corozal
April 2 —— 5: 100 Hours of Astronomy observations at San Juan and Vieques
April 18: SAPR at Corozal
April 21: Open House at Planetarium and Observations UPR-Mayagüez
April 25: SAC at Cabo Rojo, SAPR at Arecibo, SAPR at Ponce
May 2: SAPR at Bayamón (Astronomy Day)
May 12: Open House at Planetarium and Observations UPR-Mayagüez
May 16: SAPR at Arecibo
May 23: SAC at Cabo Rojo, SAPR at Corozal, SAPR at Ponce
June 13: SAPR at Corozal
June 20: SAC at Cabo Rojo, SAPR at Arecibo, SAPR at Ponce
June 27: SAPR at Maunabo
July 15 —— 18: SAC visits the Dominican Republic (talks and Observations)
July 18: SAPR at Arecibo
July 25: SAPR at Corozal, SAC at Cabo Rojo
August 15: SAPR at Ponce
August 22: SAC at Cabo Rojo
September 12: SAPR at Arecibo, SAPR at Ponce
September 19: SAPR at Corozal, SAC at Cabo Rojo
October 10: SAPR at Corozal
October 17: SAPR at Arecibo, SAPR at Ponce, SAC at Cabo Rojo
October 22, 23 and 24: SAC at Rincón (Galilean Nights)
November 5 and 7: Observations at the Interamerican University-Bayamón with SAC and SAPR
November 10: Open House at Planetarium and Observations UPR-Mayagüez
November 14: SAPR at Corozal, SAPR at Ponce, SAC at Cabo Rojo
November 21: SAPR at Arecibo
December 12: SAPR at Corozal
December 19: SAC at Cabo Rojo, SAPR at Ponce
Estimated number of people who attended or were reached by this activity: 1200.

“Starry Messengers: College Level Volunteers for the IYA2009””

The ““Starry Messengers”” are a group of college students from Puerto Rico (30) that worked as volunteers during IYA2009 events. During 2008 the students received appropriate instruction on observational astronomy through a workshop held at Arecibo Observatory. The workshop prepared the students for outreach activities in astronomy. An innovative model of inclusion was developed, adapting all the activities and material to include blind or visually impaired persons. Two persons of the Starry Messengers team are blind. The workshop was funded by the NASA IDEAS-ER programme and received support from the Arecibo Observatory.
The students participated of different activities for people of all ages. Some of the activities included visits to schools, exhibitions of images from the FETTU Cornerstone project, presentation of the Mars Rover (NASA/JPL), adapted Braille exhibits for the blind, and invited speakers such as the Puerto Rican Astronaut Joseph Acaba. The ““Starry Messengers”” also volunteered during the 41st Division of Planetary Science annual meeting (October 2009) at Puerto Rico. Some of the students have published articles about IYA2009.
Some of the events in which the Starry Messengers have participated:

  1. Two ““Open House”” Events at the Arecibo Observatory Fundación Ángel Ramos Visitor Center (1400 persons attended).
  2. Inauguration in Paris (three students from Puerto Rico participated in Paris and three students participated at Arecibo Observatory of the eVLBI observations).
  3. Inauguration at Ateneo Puertorriqueño, 31 January 2009 (300 persons attended).
  4. Star parties Bayamón, Corozal, Ponce, Cabo Rojo, San Juan, Mayagüez, Arecibo.
  5. Public Talks different locations on the island, different speakers.
  6. FETTU Exhibits —— ““Life of Stars”” this is a selection from the Cornerstone project ““From Earth To The Universe”” (Ateneo Puertorriqueño and UPR-Río Piedras), NASA FETTU traveling exhibit (UPR-RP, UPR- Mayagüez).
  7. 100 Hours of Astronomy, 2-4 April 2009, Exhibit (for the first time in Puerto Rico) of the Mars Exploration Rover and Astronomical Observations at ““El Morro”” (5000 persons)
  8. Preparation of Introduction Video ““Around the World in 80 Telescopes”” for Arecibo Observatory.
  9. Activities at Schools. The Starry Messengers have visited different schools.
  10. DPS 41st annual meeting (860 students and teachers at ““Future Scientists”” activity).
  11. Concert ““The Planets”” with Puerto Rico Symphony Orchestra (2000 persons).

Organisers: Dr. Mayra E. Lebrón Santos and Dr. Carmen A. Pantoja. 

Estimated number of people who attended or were reached by this activity: 30.

IYA2009 Closing Event

The IYA2009 closing event in Puerto Rico took place at the Interamerican University, Bayamón campus on 18 December 2009. All of the members of the PR Space Grant Consortium that participated in IYA2009 were invited. A talk about massive galaxies (““Galaxias Masivas y Luminosas —— las Reinas del Universo Lejano””) was presented by Dr. Karín Menéndez Delmestre (Carnegie Observatories). Dr. Menéndez is a Puerto Rican astronomer. Dr. Mayra Lebrón presented a summary of IYA2009 in Puerto Rico. The IYA2009 organising committee and the UPR- Mayagüez IYA2009 organisers made a special recognition of the dedication to outreach and service to students and teachers in Puerto Rico of Prof. Dolores Balzac. Dr. Carmen Pantoja announced the special recognition from the IYA2009 US node for the excellent programmes in Puerto Rico. The United States IYA2009 node awarded a Celestron NexStar 60GT-SA telescope and six Celestron FirstScopes (part of the Developing Astronomy Globally Cornerstone project). These were awarded to representatives of the participating organisations as follows: the Celestron NexStar 60GT-SA telescope to Dr. Mayra Lebrón (UPR-Río Piedras), one Celestron FirstScope to Prof. Dolores Balzac (UPR-Mayagüez), one Celestron FirstScope to Prof. Dorcas Torres (Interamerican University), one Celestron FirstScope to Ing. Eddie Irizarry (Sociedad de Astronomía del Caribe), one Celestron FirstScope to Prof. Gloria Isidro (UPR-Río Piedras), one Celestron FirstScope to Mr. Benito Aponte (Sociedad de Astronomía de Puerto Rico) and one Celestron FirstScope to Mr. Vicente Rosario (Proyecto Observatorio de Vieques). Dr. Mayra Lebrón awarded certificates to all the persons that participated in the organisation of events. Dr. Carmen Pantoja presented a talk of the plans in 2010 (““El 2010 y el Futuro””).​

Organisers: Dr. Mayra E. Lebrón Santos and Dr. Carmen A. Pantoja.
Estimated number of people who attended or were reached by this activity: 30.


We have evaluations for some activities that took place in 2009. The activities we evaluated were:

  1. Starry Messengers’’ Student Workshop
  2. Arecibo Observatory Open House for the General Public
  3. Future Scientists event with high school and middle school students
  4. Kepler’’s Laws Teacher Workshop
  5. FETTU NASA travelling exhibit.

Lessons Learned

What worked well was: have clear goals, start early and work hard. The challenge is to work on a voluntary basis on a job that requires so much time and dedication.


Some materials that were produced for the IYA2009 will continue to be available:

  1. Galileo Challenge FETTU lithograph collection
  2. Mars Exploration Rover lithograph
  3. Kepler’’s Laws Teacher Workshop
  4. Adapted Braille astronomy books
  5. Astronomy Blog about adapted materials for blind and visually impaired
  6. Collection of astronomy YouTube videos
  7. Around the World in 80 Telescopes Arecibo Observatory video;
  8. Astronomy IYA2009 song
  9. Astronomy IYA2009 poem.
  10. Publication of newspaper supplement about astronomy;
  11. Publication of book about Apollo 11 anniversary event;